Table of Contents
WTP's Duty in Liberty-Civics
WTP must understand our duty in “Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All” in the once Greatest Nation on Earth.
Our duty is to drive political factions out of our representatives and governments with the Blue Faction first because it has destroyed our USA with the communist ideology rebranded and lip sticked as Progressivism.
Political factions serve their own self-interests at the expense of WTP by substituting a totalitarian ideology for WTP‘s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
If that offends you, please finish this site. You have been lied to at an unthinkable level and must extricate yourself while you still can at the ballot box.
Liberty-Civics is designed to be consumed in private with no shaming. Just do it; you owe that to yourself and your family and our USA.
The Red Faction is fighting an uphill battle in the Blue States and cities; it is too infiltrated with Progressives seeking power. WTP are still fighting uphill with the Red Faction because the brand is destroyed in heavy Blue areas.
But WTP in Liberty-Civics with WePEG is a new paradigm that cannot lose if embraced.
The Red Faction ballot slots are needed for the 2024 election but under no circumstances can they be allowed to take credit for the Liberty-Civics victory WTP are about to deliver for posterity alongside P45/47.
Political Faction Rights
Political factions only possess the First Amendment right to speak and assemble like everyone else. They have no other RIGHT to exist or exercise any power in WTP‘s government except for one enumeration:
The First Amendment states “. . . the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
The only COTUS right political factions have is to peacefully petition for redress of grievances, not for favor, power, money, or control. They simply do not belong between WTP and our representatives or between our representatives and our government.
WTP must remove them from that position in 2024 and put them on the scrap heap of history. Please think long and hard about that!
Puttin' in the Work
Liberty-Civics does not take donations because WTP, that is, YOU, must do the work. Saving our USA should not be an industry; it is the civic duty of WTP as individuals. (That said, a sponsor or national partner would be a blessing.)
WTP own our governments, we are their “board of directors,” and we must preserve them by electing representative employees who are dedicated to WTP and WePEG.
Hundreds of well-intended organizations build the case against the Blue Faction enemies of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for all and then solicit money to help save our USA.
But the well-intended organizations haven’t saved our USA because political factions are in between. They give the impression that they will save our USA, so WTP sit back and watch, thinking we did our job by watching and sending money.
Once WTP have figured out that P46 is a disaster, his Blue Faction is a disaster, and his administration is a disaster, it is time for WTP to go to work, not just keep counting the disasters.
But all WTP ever get with the Red Faction is more charges against the Blue Faction when we need action: WTP’s unified votes for representatives entrenched in Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All identified by their WePEG scores.
For the first time, WTP have a solution. WTP must invest our time, not donations, into two efforts: establishing election integrity and spreading the Liberty-Civics and WePEG sites across our USA. Just let the site itself do the heavy lifting in private.
With political factions standing between WTP and our representatives and between them and our governments, no political faction can save us, no media can save us, no advertising can save us, and no speeches can save us. Liberty-Civics with WePEG is the only strategy that works for posterity.
WTP cannot “farm out” our governments to self-centered mercenaries whose own self-interests rob WTP blind. WTP must engage with each other with WePEG, friend to friend, neighbor to neighbor, brother to sister, parent and child, and vote to save our Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, our Families, and ourselves.
There is no other option because the Blue Faction is a suicide pact, and the once great Red Faction today is only the foil that gives legitimacy to the political faction process. Their ballot slots are needed for one more election, and then it’s all WePEG candidates.
The only way to unite as WTP in Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All is to have a unifying set of Principles based on our DOI/COTUS, which produced “One Nation under God” and the Greatest Nation on earth.
WePEG, WTP’s Principles of Effective Governing, replace and put on the scrap heap of history all political faction platforms and organizations.
WTP cannot save our USA by debating the truth; our founding Principles are the proven truth. WTP can only win back our Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All by embracing and spreading the truth ourselves once again, i.e., puttin’ in the work.
Liberty-Civics is nothing more than a compilation of the truth that our Founders took for granted and failed to enumerate. WTP must spread the truth ourselves in our Liberty-Civics movement.
All WTP need to do is just make the Liberty-Civics site known to everyone we can AND to every public official in our lives from Senators to cities, counties, and schools, and let Liberty-Civics do the work.
The Liberty-Civics message is simple:
“WTP want our USA back and WePEG, our Founding 2.0, is how WTP are doing it. The Liberty-Civics website presents the process and WTP people must educate ourselves and get on board. Enjoy!“
Liberty-Civics is not looking for spokespeople, salespeople, confrontations, or members. That is politics. Liberty-Civics is individual civics and Principles of governing for Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
WePEG is an individual decision based on our Founding Principles, evidence, and facts, not rhetoric or ideology. The work must be done outside of the political faction theatre of war, which only WTP can do. Otherwise, it would be like telling water to flow uphill.
The power of WePEG is that WTP can make our presence known right now and begin to stop the bleeding, flip existing seats, and win 2024 today. That is the only way WTP can install election integrity in contested districts in 2024.
Liberty-Civics asks people to look and learn for themselves because the Blue Faction “emperor” is about to learn that his “new clothes” are invisible, and he is naked (an 1837 fairy tale). There will be a lot of embarrassment best felt in private.
WTP must send WePEG to all our local and state candidates to score and post on their website. It must be done by WTP, not by Liberty-Civics; they are YOUR representatives. The Principles and their resume are all WTP need to make informed votes for Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for all-minded candidates. WTP cannot vote for anyone with no or low Principles scores. Principles are our weapons of mass destruction for today.
WTP already have 75 million people who should want the WePEG Principles; WTP must add 25 million more to stop the damage now for a lasting Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
Winning the debate was not enough in 1776, and it is not enough today. WTP must put in the work. Remember, WTP went to war in 1776. Our USA did not just happen with leadership and votes; WTP put in the work fighting to their death.
Thanks to our Founding Fathers, today, WTP can redeem our USA with ballot integrity, but we must unite now for Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, not the political factions that divide us.
Five 'Must' Goals
1. Political factions MUST be put on the scrap heap of history, and WTP are the only ones who can do it.
Political factions are not in our DOI/COTUS because they oppose Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
The sole purpose of political factions is for the power-hungry wealthy to get more wealthy at the expense of WTP.
Our Founding Fathers despised them and P1 warned against them because political factions must divide WTP. Please think long and hard about that.
2. The 2024 election is the final battle, winner-take-all. The Blue Faction is a GL-PSYOP launched by the foreign and domestic enemies of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All to weaken WTP and our USA to the point of no self-defense being possible.
But it is not a war between the BLUE and RED factions, it is a war between WTP in Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All vs. the Blue Faction, exactly the same as 1776: WTP vs. tyranny.
The Red Faction is the Washington Generals of politics and must go as well once WePEG is established. WTP still need their ballot slots to succeed.
3. P45 must become P47, and WTP can make that happen. No other candidate is battle-tested and ready for the GL-PSYOP firehose coming from the deep state. It is difficult to believe that God put him through the crucible of fire and brought him out unscathed for no reason.
If you are not a believer, please understand all that has been learned about the Blue Faction’s attempt to destroy P45/47. A weaker man would have caved, and our USA would have been lost because every other candidate is a politician. If you are tired of the noise of politics, get rid of political factions, not the hardest-working man for Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for YOU!
P40 and P45 were the two best Presidents since P16 for WTP because they governed by Principles. WTP came first, and honest wealth prospered. They used the Red Faction ballot slots to get elected. The Red Faction elite fought them all the way and still do, which means they, too, are against WTP.
4. WTP must get WePEG spread across the nation. That is our duty as a citizen, and no one can do it for us.
That can only be accomplished outside the political theatre of war, person to person. For 2024, WTP must focus exclusively on principled candidates that will defend our Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All as revealed by WePEG.
Pyramid schemes are illegal in business because they run out of people quickly.
But WTP‘s goal is to deliver a message to everyone, not get rich. One person telling ten people who tell ten more only need eight levels to reach 100 million WTP.
The message is simple: The Blue Faction must be put on the scrap heap of history, followed by the Red Faction. WePEG is the replacement for factions for posterity, the lasting peace.
Liberty-Civics explains everything needed to unleash a prosperity never before seen with WTP unleashed to do what only WTP can do. Just get the message out there.