Table of Contents
Reading Alternatives
Liberty Civics and Godly Civics websites are a “reading” exercise. An easy chair and favorite drink work best. Both are available in paper back and Kindle eBook from Amazon plus downloads of an MS Word file and or PDF to print or share
Our Foundation: The hundred-year leftist enemy death march of our USA officially started with the 16th Amendment for the IRS and P28’s introduction of Progressivism as an alternate governing ideology in direct opposition to our DOI/COTUS.
Code Shorthand etc.
Note: We use codes to slow down the cancellation culture online. We also do not name any living person. Names trigger preconceived notions that detract from our message.
Disclaimer: The “leftist enemy” is the unidentified forces that drive the Blue Faction GL-PSYOP of Progressivism behind the scenes. No representative nor staff of the Blue Faction is included in that reference.
According to Miriam Webster, “malfeasance” means: “wrongdoing or misconduct, especially by a public official;” no criminal insinuation is ever included in its use by the author.
Codes: WTP is “we the people,” use the words when reading so the verbs work. DOI is our Declaration of Independence. COTUS is our Constitution. P# is a President. A political faction is what our founders called a political party. Blue is the donkey; Red is the elephant. PSYOP is a ‘psychological operation’ to change hearts and minds. Vulpes Nuntium is the conservative news network (Latin). Colorism is racism.
A US senator is Identified as S-State-sr./jr. For example, S-NY-sr is Chuck Shumar. If retired, the last year and initials are added. S-AZ-BG1987 is Goldwater. House members are Identified as H-State-Dist. H-CA-43 is Maxine Waters, H-CA-20-KM23 is Kevin McCarthy.
Gaslighting (GL)
We must understand Gaslighting, the Nahas’ WMD. Most people see gaslighting as a “cool kid” metaphor for lying, but that hides its extremely sinister meaning as the Nahas’ WMD against WTP. Gaslighting is:
GL is: “The psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one’s emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator” (Miriam Webster).
Liberty Civics is hard on the Red Faction based on the last 100 years of mostly failure for WTP. P45/47 has captured the Red Faction because he needs their ballot slots, but WTP must replace the Red Faction with WePEG1787 for posterity. The Red Faction’s only purpose after WTP install WePEG1787 is to ensure free and fair elections as our watchdog. By the end of the book, you will agree.
To his credit, P45/47 is correcting many of the failings of the Red Faction, and our critique does not refer to his leadership, but when WTP put the Blue Faction on the scrap heap of history, we do not need the Red Faction with WePEG1787. WTP must remove the political factions from our governments, or they will be back in power sometime after P45/47.
Liberty Civics Call to Action
Our Liberty Civics education is the missing link between our society and politics. It works for everyone. How can we have Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All if we do not know what they are? is a new paradigm that replaces the division of politics and adds what our Founding Fathers could not foresee. Send every person you know this book and/or the websites below every way you can and implore them to do the same. Viral is the only open communication channel we have to redeem our Greatest Nation on Earth. Click on the links.